Why attempts to Revive Soccer have always Failed

here is no sport in Kenya that embodies our national character than soccer. Like our public service and politics, soccer is riddled with gross mediocrity, suffocating myopia, and decadent corruption. Each time the leadership of the sport is changed, a conspiracy between various circumstances occurs resulting in the elevation of clueless clowns and shameless thugs […]

Paul Kagame-Worst African Dictator-Ever! And the West is busy kissing his Backside

There are more than 1000 Hutus rotting in Rwanda’s jails because of genocide. The west, led by former US President, Bill Clinton, and the former serpentine UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair, can never be outdone in singing praises to Paul Kagame for stopping the genocide. Two respected scholars from the University of Michigan, Prof. Christian […]

Male Circumcision and Sex: Why the uncut John Fails Me

Confessions of one Woman Uncircumcised men fail me in bed. Period. I can imagine the anguish this statement might cause to old uncircumcised men who cannot do anything about their manhood. But hey, you can help spread the word that it is far much sexier to have that spear sharpened. It is stupid to make […]

Leaders are readers

One major characteristic shared by most leaders, and in this case the term “leader” is used strictly to refer to genuine individuals who appeal to higher values as opposed to fear and other juvenile and primitive inclinations, is the expansive nature of their knowledge. Famous men and women who stood and and got counted when […]

The Devolution Debacle

Of all the evils that Kenyans have had to endure under the folly of the political class, devolution is the most devastating. Wait before you dismiss me as a devolution devil-I am not against all forms of devolution. I am against foolish devolution that squeezes the gigantic American system on a nation the size of […]

The Case for a Musyoka Candidacy

The Case for a Musyoka Candidacy Raila’s place in Kenyan politics cannot be contested even by the most malicious of characters. Whether driven by self-interest as some might argue or a patriotic push to see a better Kenya, he has fought with sweat, blood, and tears. He has helped build successful politicians throughout the country […]

Why the solution to Africa’s leadership crisis is bloodshed

Why the solution to Africa’s leadership crisis is bloodshed More than 200 years ago, men who had gotten tired of being milked dry by the British Empire asked for either liberty or death. These were the great men and women who created the United States as we know it today. It is true that these […]