One major characteristic shared by most leaders, and in this case the term “leader” is used strictly to refer to genuine individuals who appeal to higher values as opposed to fear and other juvenile and primitive inclinations, is the expansive nature of their knowledge. Famous men and women who stood and and got counted when history called upon them to do so exhibited a deep understanding of the issues and showed that they had invested time and effort in learning about the wisdom of the ages. One source the wisdom was and still is reading. Books helped Abraham Lincoln master the art of self expression, roasting his opponents in front of crowds and playing around with words in ways that melted the hearts of those who heard him speak or read what he penned. It is through books that Martin Luther King Junior was able to deliver speeches of unrivaled quality and books converted Malcolm X from a street thug to an eloquent Negro whose anti-oppression rallies were characterized by energetic crowds who wouldn’t wait to absorb every word that came from his mouth. Here are the books to start you off in your quest to deepen your grasp of issues related to human nature:
a) The Road Less Traveled by Dr. Scott Peck
b) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
c) The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene